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  Core1 Technology
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ProKennex has literally returned tennis to its roots and restored the sport’s quotient with the introduction of the CORE1 System Technology racquets. This system utilizes dual graphite cylinders in conjunction with a natural wood spine to produce unprecedented feel and remarkably enhance your tennis experience.

Typical Racquet Construction

 Your current racquet allows this shock wave to resonate back and forth down a hollow tube to your hand resulting in a synthetic, harsh and hollow feel. Tennis players tolerate this because they’ve been told, “If you want power, then there’s no other alternative.”




CORE1 Racquet Construction

When you strike a ball with a Core1 racquet each of the independent graphite cylinders creates a separate, opposing shock wave. When the two opposing shock waves meet at the wood spine they counteract and cancel out each other, eliminating the harsh negative impact shock and vibration. The wood spine then transmits only the remaining clean, responsive, organic feel in your hand. It's lightweight power with feel.

The Result:

The player feels the ball on the strings because much of the disruptive initial shock is eliminated while the wood shapes the vibrations into information a player can use.


Better feel of the ball on the strings, more focused energy transfer, better control, easier on the body.




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